Perhaps best known as the old Sprague dairy/cattle farm dating back to the early 1900’s, the Epps purchased the property in 1965 which embraced 102 acres. The old farm fields were still intact and the Epps initially allowed friend’s horses to run the fields (including the old race horse “Jerry Gold”). Their own horses grazed for several years in the late 70’s.


Photo: 1965; Aerial photo of farm looking south

Photo: 1966; Horses in the field

Through eminent domain, Central Maine Power forced the sale of ~20 acres on the west side in the late 60’s for the high voltage power lines, and Maine Department of Transportation acquired ~30 acres right through the middle of the open fields to accommodate the elevated realignment of Route 201 in 1973 as the I-295 extension was developed. Phyllis donated an acre to her younger sister Merri Tombrinck who built a new home on the southern end of the property, and the orphaned property west of the CMP lines was sold to her brother Stanley prior to his death which included the steep ridge that dropped down to the Cathance.


Photo: 1973; Realignment of Route 201 through middle of property

The current property consists of 41 acres, approximately 35 west/north of the new Augusta Road, and the remaining to the southeast. The land has recently been rezoned rural commercial.

Photo: Google Maps view of the current property

 The approximate 10 acres of remaining field has been hayed or bushhogged by several local farmers over the years.



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